Krzaczki zamiast polskich liter

Witam. zainstalowałem sobie sBlog ale mam problem z polskimi znakami, zamiast ich wyswietlaja sie “krzaczki” probowalem juz to naprawic ale nie przynioslo efektow :expressionless:

Zmień tytuł na konkretny używając funkcji icon_edit.gif

Inaczej temat poleci do śmietnika.

Czy może mi ktoś pomóc?

Podaj adres swojego bloga.

Masz kodowanie znaków:

a powinno być

8859- 2

Chyba dlatego są ,krzaczki".

a gdzie to kodowanie zmieni? w jakim pliku?

W index.php

i to wystarczy jesli wpisze tylko do index.php? bo ja bym chcial zeby sie wszedzie pokazywalo ;?

Powinno. Chyba, że kodowanie znaków możesz zmienić w opcjach tak jak to jest w “worldpress”

niestety po skopiowaniu do pliku index.php polskie znaki dalej nie działają…


	/ **************************************************

		Project	sBLOG 

		Author	Servous 

		License	GPL

	 ************************************************** /

	// make sure that config.php has been uploaded

	if(!file_exists('config.php')) {

		header('Location: install/index.php');



	// make sure that the dir 'install' has been deleted

	else if(is_dir('install')) {

		echo 'Please remove the directory install and all of it\'s content!';



	if(isset($_REQUEST['date']) && strlen($_REQUEST['date']) == 6 || isset($_REQUEST['date']) && strlen($_REQUEST['date']) == 8) {

		$year = substr($_REQUEST['date'], 0, 4);

		$month	= substr($_REQUEST['date'], 4, 2);

		$day = substr($_REQUEST['date'], 6, 2);

		$date = $_REQUEST['date'];


	else {

		$date = 0;


	if(isset($_REQUEST['cat']) && intval($_REQUEST['cat']) > 0) {

		$cat = intval($_REQUEST['cat']);


	else {

		$cat = null;


	// include headers

	require('inc/tpl_header.php'); // header

	require('inc/tpl_menu.php'); // menu

	// include blocks

	require('inc/block_custom.php'); // custom blocks

	// include functions


	// declare truncate() is not already declared

	if(!function_exists('truncate')) {



	/* start */





	// fetch all posts from a certain category

	if(isset($cat) && $cat != 0) {

		$query = 'SELECT, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(d.date_created) AS date_created, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(d.date_modified) AS date_modified, d.topic, d.text, d.category_id, c.category FROM ' . $conf_mysql_prefix . 'data AS d, ' . $conf_mysql_prefix . 'categories AS c WHERE AND category_id=\'' . $cat . '\' ORDER BY date_created DESC, date_modified DESC';


	// fetch posts for yyyymmdd

	else if(isset($date) && strlen($date) == 8) {

		$query = 'SELECT, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(d.date_created) AS date_created, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(d.date_modified) AS date_modified, d.topic, d.text, d.category_id, c.category FROM ' . $conf_mysql_prefix . 'data AS d, ' . $conf_mysql_prefix . 'categories AS c WHERE AND SUBSTRING(d.date_created, 1, 10)=\'' . $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day . '\' ORDER BY date_created DESC, date_modified DESC';


	// fetch posts for yyyymm

	else if(isset($date) && strlen($date) == 6) {

		$query = 'SELECT, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(d.date_created) AS date_created, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(d.date_modified) AS date_modified, d.topic, d.text, d.category_id, c.category FROM ' . $conf_mysql_prefix . 'data AS d, ' . $conf_mysql_prefix . 'categories AS c WHERE AND SUBSTRING(d.date_created, 1, 7)=\'' . $year . '-' . $month . '\' ORDER BY date_created DESC, date_modified DESC';


	// fetch all posts

	else {

		$query = 'SELECT, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(d.date_created) AS date_created, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(d.date_modified) AS date_modified, d.topic, d.text, d.category_id, c.category FROM ' . $conf_mysql_prefix . 'data AS d, ' . $conf_mysql_prefix . 'categories AS c WHERE ORDER BY date_created DESC, date_modified DESC';


	// set active page

	if(!isset($_REQUEST['p'])) {

		$page = 1;


	else {

		$page = $_REQUEST['p'];


	$q = mysql_query($query);

	$n = mysql_num_rows($q);

	if($n > 0) {

		$counter = 0;

		// prevent division by zero error

		if(isset($conf_page_disp) && $conf_page_disp > 0) {

			$pages = ceil($n / $conf_page_disp);


		else {

			$conf_page_disp = 5;

			$pages = 0;


		// jump to active page in database

		mysql_data_seek($q, (($page - 1) * $conf_page_disp));

		while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {


			if($counter > $conf_page_disp) {



			// render the post

			sRenderPost($r['id'], $r['category_id'], $r['category'], $r['date_created'], $r['date_modified'], $r['topic'], $r['text']);


		if($pages > 1) {

			echo "\t\t\t" . '' . "\n";

			echo "\t\t\t" . '

’ . “\n”; echo “\t\t\t\t” . ’
’ . “\n”; if($page > 1) { echo “\t\t\t\t\t” . ‘« ’ . lang(‘First’) . ’ « ’ . lang(‘Previous’) . '’ . “\n”; } else { echo “\t\t\t\t\t” . ‘« ’ . lang(‘First’) . ’ « ’ . lang(‘Previous’) . “\n”; } echo “\t\t\t\t” . ’
’ . “\n”; echo “\t\t\t\t” . ’
’ . “\n”; if($page < $pages) { echo “\t\t\t\t\t” . ‘’ . lang(‘Next’) . ’ » ’ . lang(‘Last’) . ’ »’ . “\n”; } else { echo “\t\t\t\t\t” . lang(‘Next’) . ’ » ’ . lang(‘Last’) . ’ »’ . “\n”; } echo “\t\t\t\t” . ’
’ . “\n”; echo “\t\t\t\t” . ’
’ . “\n”; echo “\t\t\t\t\t” . $page . ’ ’ . lang(‘of’) . ’ ’ . $pages . “\n”; echo “\t\t\t\t” . ’
’ . “\n”; echo “\t\t\t” . ’
’ . “\n”; echo “\t\t\t” . ‘’ . “\n”; } } else { if(array_key_exists(‘cat’, $_REQUEST)) { echo ’
’ . lang(‘There are no posts assigned to this category.’) . ’
’ . “\n”; } else if(array_key_exists(‘date’, $_REQUEST)) { echo ’
’ . lang(‘No posts were posted on this date.’) . ’
’ . “\n”; } else { echo ’
’ . lang(‘The sBLOG is empty!’) . ’
’ . “\n”; } } mysql_close(); ?> <?php $tpl_temp = trim(ob_get_contents()); $tpl_main = str_replace(’’, $tpl_temp, $tpl_main); ob_end_clean(); /* end */ require(‘inc/tpl_foot.php’); echo $tpl_main; ?>[/code]

Takie powino byc kodowanie jak nie dziala to pokombinuj :slight_smile:

A w opcjach nie masz ustawień kodowania? sBlog to mało popularny skrypt, a forumowa wróżka jest na urlopie.