Problem z zainstalowaniem skryptu!

Ściagnęłem skrypt typera z tąd! i teraz nie wiem jaki jest plik główny jak się nazywa, i co trzeba w nim zrbić! Taki sam typer jest tutaj

to go wypakuj i zobacz tam jest zapewne napisane np. Czytaj mnie ,instalacjia .readmi i tak dalej…

Ale tam jest po angielsku jak ktoś jest miły to proszę o przetłumaczenie!

Installation instructions for the Prediction League.



Web server with support for PHP4.0 or greater.

MySQL database.

To upgrade from an earlier version please read the file Upgrade.txt.



Modify the file systemvars.php to match your configuration.

Open the file systemvars.php in your favourite editor.

N.B. The "" and ; in the file are important, please be careful

when you edit the file.

Some of the values you set are the initial values. They are subsequently changed in the config

screen from the admin menu.

 1. Set the Title for your prediction league. e.g. 

    $PredictionLeagueTitle = "My Prediction League";

 2. Set the Header Row. This can be used for displaying a banner

    or text. The header row can contain HTML.


     $HeaderRow = "

| class=“TBLHEAD”> " |
"; 3. Set the hostname for the database. If your database and webserver are on the same machine, you can probably leave this set as localhost. If they are on different machines contact your ISP for hostname details. 4. Set the base directory name. This can be left as the default value if you copy this folder directly to your website. If you rename the folder, you need to update the base directory name accordingly. 5. Set the database username. This is the value provided by your ISP. 6. Set the database password. This is the value provided by your ISP. 7. Set the database name. This is the value you will use when creating the database. If you have been given a database name by you ISP, you will need to enter this here. 8. Set the email address of the administrator. This is the address used by your users to contact you. 9. Set the signature for the administrative emails. When a new user is created an email is automatically sent. This signature will appear at the bottom of the email. 10.Set the default icon. This is an optional step. If you want to use a different icon for your users, you can set the value here. The icon must be available in the default icon directory to be automatically available to the users. 11.Set the chat room URL. If you use a chat room, you can use this to provide a link from the menu to the chatroom. A blank value will ensure that the menu item does not appear. 12.Set the URL and title for your homepage. 13.If you want to log warnings and errors on your system give the logfile a name. Leaving it as “” will disable this functionality. If you do enable the use of the logfile, the process running the web server must have write permission for the logfile. e.g. if your server is running as ‘nobody’ on a unix system, then the user ‘nobody’ must be able to write to the file. 14.If you want to allow multiple users to be created for each email address, then set this value to TRUE. 15.Set the timezone offset if your server is in a different time zone. This ensures that the users cannot predict after the game has started. 16.Reverse the predictions order. 17.The default language to be used. Always in the format lang…php. The user is free to change the language in their profile. 18.Auto predict is a feature not yet enabled. 19.Set this to TRUE if you want to use the 24 hour clock for display. FALSE uses the 12 hour display with AM and PM. 20.To allow users to upload icons to the server you must set UloadIcons to true. MaxIconFileSize is in Kb and limits the size of the files a user can upload. IconDirectory is the directory where the icons are placed by your server. It is very important to find out where your server places uploaded files and put the absolute path here. 21.PasswordEncryption. Set to TRUE to enable password encryption. FALSE will disable encryption. Install the files on your server. 1. Copy the directory PredictionLeague to your webserver. This step is required prior to creating the database. 2. Delete the upgrade files upgrade105to106.php and upgradeto10.php. Create the database and tables: 1. Open http:///PredictionLeague/adminphptest.php in your favourite browser. From here you can follow the sequential tests to determine your if you meet the requirements for running the PredictionLeague and creating the database tables. ii. Check the PHP and MySql versions. iii.Create the database tables. Follow this link, and enter the values that match the values you configured in systemvars.php. If the database already exists and you only want to create the tables, make sure the checkbox is unchecked. Hit the Create button. If you succeeded, the display will show the new table structures, else an error message will be displayed. iv. Create the admin user. Follow the link and instructions to configure an admin user. v. Make sure that the server is running the time you think it is. This page wil allow you to correct for any time differences. vi. Fine tune any game parameters you want. Start using the prediction league. You are now configured. Log in as the admin user and create your fixtures/schedule. Support ======= Please contact if you encounter any problems.[/code]


No i co to ma być nic tam nie wyskakuje żeby przetłumaczyć!

Podałem linka żebyś sobie po kawałku tłumaczył ,a jeżeli to Ci nie odpowiada to naucz się angielskiego albo popytaj żeby ktoś Ci to przetłumaczył !!

rudakita jak ja mam problem z anglikiem to jak translator źle tłumaczy to biorę słownik angielskiego do ręki i jade z robotą!

rudakita błąd jest po Twojej stronie, strona wyświetla się poprawnie


Może za dużo wklejasz ,albo w przeglądarce czegoś brakuje i tak dalej…