Rezultat naprawy Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x64) Wersja: 3-07-2019 Uruchomiony przez spejson023 (07-07-2019 17:24:28) Run:2 Uruchomiony z C:\Users\spejson023\Desktop\frs Załadowane profile: spejson023 (Dostępne profile: spejson023) Tryb startu: Normal ============================================== fixlist - zawartość: ***************** CMD: netsh int ip reset CMD: ipconfig /flushdns Reboot: ***************** ========= netsh int ip reset ========= Resetting Global, OK! Resetting Interface, OK! Resetting Neighbor, OK! Resetting Path, OK! Resetting Subinterface, OK! Resetting , failed. Odmowa dost©pu. Resetting , OK! Restart the computer to complete this action. ========= Koniec CMD: ========= ========= ipconfig /flushdns ========= Windows IP Configuration Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache. ========= Koniec CMD: ========= System wymagał restartu. ==== Koniec Fixlog 17:24:30 ====