

Mam problem z aplikacją(programam)o nazwie BT2Net Download (wersji najnowszej).

Program jest oczywiście poczenści płatny i darmowy(ale niewiem dokładnie).Można za pomocą niego pobierać pliki muzyczne filmy,ale od 2 dni niemoge nic pobrać,ciągle wyskakuje mi napis w dolnej czenści po lewej stronie programu napis(oraz wyskakuje na monitoże) “Cannot get metadata from server” (dodam że nieznam angielskiego ale jak sie nie myle niemoże połączyć się z serverem???

Oraz zanim dodam plik do pobrania też na dole po lewej stronie pisze “check update:1.37” też niewiem co to znaczy???

Jeśli miał ktoś z was kontakt z ta aplikacją bądz wie co znia nie tak niech mi napisze.

Dodam że programu uzywam od 4 dni a od 2 nic niemoge pobrać oraz wiem że dzienie moge pobrać 10 plików(limit w wersji bezpłatnej).A mam ciągle 10 niewykożystane dzienie :(.

Nie moze otzrymywac metadane od serwera.

Zapewne uszkodzony albo cos ci go blokuje np. firewall :roll:

Sprawdza uaktualnienie

A tutaj najnowsza wersja 1.37:

mam najnowszą wersje oczywiście od 4 dni teraz 5 dni.Firewall mam cały czas włączony i pobierał przez 2 dni teraz klapa.

A dokładnij ten komunikat brzmi tak “Cannot get metadata from server.Try to download this file later”.

Jeżeli mam najnowszą wersje tego programu to czemu dalej mi pisze “check update:1.37”.Może to wersja beta wyszła pod tym znakiem??

Nie w opcjach programu poszukaj opcji Check Update i ja odznacz.

A dzieje sie tak tylko z jednym plikiem czy z innymi tez :roll:

A odblokowałes program w firewallu :?

Nie firewalla nieodblokowuje i nieodblokowałem.

Firewal chodzi mi już rok i nic mi nieblokuje i nieblokowało.Nawet na firewallu! !!

A takiej opcji niema w ustawieniach(seting) tylko porty.

aaa a moze powiedz jakiego masz firewalla :roll:

W wersji darmowej:

  • można go uruchomić jedynie 10 razy :smiley:

  • zainstaluje dużo oprogramowania Adware. :frowning:

Hmmm… 10 razy moge go uruchomić a otwozyłem go conajmniej już z 30 razy.

A może pobierać 10 plików???Bo mi tak pisze po śrotku w dolnym pasku po angielsku.Jak dobrze zrozumiałem.

A jeśli nawet 10 razy to poszukam w rejestrze klucze(prędzej program od instaluje) i je usune i od nowa 10 uruchomień.

Złączono Posta : 21.10.2005 (Pią) 1:00

A oto mój loging programu ktury z najduje się w folderze gdzie jest zainstalowany:

Z wczoraj:

2005-10-20 11:40:12,546 [INFO] root: --------------------logging started--------------------

2005-10-20 11:40:12,546 [INFO] root: Version is 1.37

2005-10-20 11:40:12,562 [INFO] config saving

2005-10-20 11:40:12,780 [DEBUG] helpers.PluginSupport.PluginSocket: registry params: 436 0

2005-10-20 11:40:12,796 [DEBUG] __main__.P2PApp: showWelcome

2005-10-20 11:40:13,030 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Session: retrieve

2005-10-20 11:40:13,030 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Session: retrieve

2005-10-20 11:40:13,592 [INFO] DataPump.Session.Session: retrieve OK, state is Free user

2005-10-20 11:40:13,592 [INFO] DataPump.Onliner: check for upnp

2005-10-20 11:40:13,608 [DEBUG] DataPump.natpunch.UPnP: test

2005-10-20 11:40:13,608 [DEBUG] DataPump.natpunch.UPnP: get_ip

2005-10-20 11:40:13,608 [ERROR] DataPump.natpunch.UPnP: Error finding local IP

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “DataPump\natpunch.pyo”, line 241, in get_ip

ValueError: couldn’t find intranet IP

2005-10-20 11:40:13,608 [DEBUG] DataPump.natpunch.UPnP: get_external_ip

2005-10-20 11:40:13,625 [INFO] DataPump.natpunch.UPnP: not supported

2005-10-20 11:40:13,625 [DEBUG] DataPump.natpunch.UPnP: get_external_ip

2005-10-20 11:40:13,625 [INFO] DataPump.Session.Session: retrieve OK, state is Free user

2005-10-20 11:40:13,625 [INFO] DataPump.Onliner: upnp result is 0

2005-10-20 11:40:13,655 [INFO] DataPump.Onliner: host

2005-10-20 11:40:13,655 [DEBUG] panels.wizard.Wizard: start

2005-10-20 11:40:13,655 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Session: retrieve: session exists

2005-10-20 11:40:13,671 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Session: retrieve: session exists

2005-10-20 11:40:13,671 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Session: retrieve: session exists

2005-10-20 11:40:13,671 [DEBUG] panels.wizard.Wizard: start free user

2005-10-20 11:40:13,687 [DEBUG] __main__.P2PApp: __createUI

2005-10-20 11:40:13,687 [DEBUG] MainFrame.MainFrame: __prepareSystray

2005-10-20 11:40:13,780 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Session: test

2005-10-20 11:40:13,812 [INFO] DataPump.Onliner: ONW IP is (direct connection)

2005-10-20 11:40:14,140 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Session: test OK Free user

2005-10-20 11:40:15,546 [INFO] DataPump.Queue.Queue: Started

2005-10-20 11:40:15,592 [DEBUG] DataPump.Queue.Queue: Preparing to run

2005-10-20 11:40:15,592 [INFO] Finding port to open

2005-10-20 11:40:15,592 [DEBUG] decreasing find port order

2005-10-20 11:40:15,592 [INFO] Try to open port 6999

2005-10-20 11:40:15,640 [DEBUG] DataPump.Queue.Queue: Try to load library

2005-10-20 11:40:15,671 [INFO] Port 6999 opened

2005-10-20 11:40:15,733 [DEBUG] DataPump.HashStorage: create hash storage

2005-10-20 11:40:16,015 [INFO] DataPump.Queue.Queue: running

2005-10-20 11:40:23,140 [DEBUG] model.searcher.FileSearcher.FileSearcher: opening url

2005-10-20 11:40:43,655 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Keepaliver: nat check: eO9eNeJAhOyviUzEDmhCD0lsYB+pRui/FiqgRNhIGGHsgGzhXutwdD95Bsi4zzeFadnDPJLW4b+CJZUtndXAEQ== 6999

2005-10-20 11:40:44,062 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Keepaliver: Natcheck answer 'processing…

2005-10-20 11:40:44,078 [INFO] DataPump.Session.Keepaliver: Nat check request sent

2005-10-20 11:40:44,217 [DEBUG] DataPump.Connecter.Connection: In got special msg

2005-10-20 11:40:44,217 [DEBUG] DataPump.Connecter.Connection: NatCheck request

2005-10-20 11:40:44,217 [DEBUG] DataPump.Connecter.Connection: NatCheck received, data len 4

2005-10-20 11:40:44,217 [INFO] DataPump.Session.Keepaliver: keepalive ip OK

2005-10-20 11:40:44,217 [DEBUG] DataPump.HashStorage: readd

2005-10-20 11:40:44,233 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Keepaliver: send keepalive

2005-10-20 11:40:46,515 [INFO] DataPump.Updater._UpdateLogic: check update: 1.37

2005-10-20 11:40:49,390 [ERROR] __main__.P2PApp: Cannot get metadata from server

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “”, line 627, in scheduleByBT2

File “urllib.pyo”, line 77, in urlopen

File “urllib.pyo”, line 180, in open

File “urllib.pyo”, line 296, in open_http

File “httplib.pyo”, line 794, in endheaders

File “httplib.pyo”, line 675, in _send_output

File “httplib.pyo”, line 642, in send

File “httplib.pyo”, line 626, in connect

IOError: [Errno socket error] (10060, ‘Operation timed out’)

2005-10-20 11:41:24,437 [INFO] MainFrame.MainFrame: Forced close

2005-10-20 11:41:24,578 [INFO] __main__.P2PApp: PRECLOSE

2005-10-20 11:41:24,858 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Keepaliver: dead

2005-10-20 11:41:24,858 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Keepaliver: try to send dead

2005-10-20 11:41:24,858 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Keepaliver: send dead

2005-10-20 11:41:25,233 [DEBUG] MainFrame.MainFrame: Forced close end

I z dziś:

2005-10-21 00:50:14,078 [INFO] root: --------------------logging started--------------------

2005-10-21 00:50:14,078 [INFO] root: Version is 1.37

2005-10-21 00:50:14,467 [DEBUG] helpers.PluginSupport.PluginSocket: registry params: 436 0

2005-10-21 00:50:14,500 [DEBUG] __main__.P2PApp: showWelcome

2005-10-21 00:50:14,703 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Session: retrieve: offline

2005-10-21 00:50:14,717 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Session: retrieve

2005-10-21 00:50:14,733 [DEBUG] panels.wizard.Wizard: start

2005-10-21 00:50:14,733 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Session: retrieve

2005-10-21 00:50:15,265 [INFO] DataPump.Session.Session: retrieve OK, state is Free user

2005-10-21 00:50:15,265 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Session: retrieve: session exists

2005-10-21 00:50:15,265 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Session: retrieve: session exists

2005-10-21 00:50:15,265 [DEBUG] panels.wizard.Wizard: start free user

2005-10-21 00:50:15,280 [DEBUG] __main__.P2PApp: __createUI

2005-10-21 00:50:15,296 [INFO] DataPump.Session.Session: retrieve OK, state is Free user

2005-10-21 00:50:15,280 [DEBUG] MainFrame.MainFrame: __prepareSystray

2005-10-21 00:50:15,312 [INFO] DataPump.Onliner: check for upnp

2005-10-21 00:50:15,328 [DEBUG] DataPump.natpunch.UPnP: test

2005-10-21 00:50:15,390 [DEBUG] DataPump.natpunch.UPnP: get_ip

2005-10-21 00:50:15,390 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Session: test

2005-10-21 00:50:15,405 [ERROR] DataPump.natpunch.UPnP: Error finding local IP

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “DataPump\natpunch.pyo”, line 241, in get_ip

ValueError: couldn’t find intranet IP

2005-10-21 00:50:15,405 [DEBUG] DataPump.natpunch.UPnP: get_external_ip

2005-10-21 00:50:15,405 [INFO] DataPump.natpunch.UPnP: not supported

2005-10-21 00:50:15,405 [DEBUG] DataPump.natpunch.UPnP: get_external_ip

2005-10-21 00:50:15,421 [INFO] DataPump.Onliner: upnp result is 0

2005-10-21 00:50:15,750 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Session: test OK Free user

2005-10-21 00:50:16,203 [INFO] DataPump.Onliner: host

2005-10-21 00:50:16,437 [INFO] DataPump.Onliner: ONW IP is (direct connection)

2005-10-21 00:50:17,625 [INFO] DataPump.Queue.Queue: Started

2005-10-21 00:50:17,625 [DEBUG] DataPump.Queue.Queue: Preparing to run

2005-10-21 00:50:17,625 [INFO] Finding port to open

2005-10-21 00:50:17,625 [DEBUG] decreasing find port order

2005-10-21 00:50:17,625 [INFO] Try to open port 6999

2005-10-21 00:50:17,640 [DEBUG] DataPump.Queue.Queue: Try to load library

2005-10-21 00:50:17,687 [INFO] Port 6999 opened

2005-10-21 00:50:17,703 [DEBUG] DataPump.HashStorage: create hash storage

2005-10-21 00:50:17,733 [INFO] DataPump.Queue.Queue: running

2005-10-21 00:50:25,062 [DEBUG] model.searcher.FileSearcher.FileSearcher: opening url

2005-10-21 00:50:45,328 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Keepaliver: nat check: BzmSme2mnlWodVD+668kFmqRFHHmuPH7NiMjAtdzR0JtMBRQVK9ZtCH0XBsIUksYDtNQwEOUVuuhDl5zTn1J4g== 6999

2005-10-21 00:50:45,858 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Keepaliver: Natcheck answer 'processing…

2005-10-21 00:50:45,858 [INFO] DataPump.Session.Keepaliver: Nat check request sent

2005-10-21 00:50:46,015 [DEBUG] DataPump.Connecter.Connection: In got special msg

2005-10-21 00:50:46,030 [DEBUG] DataPump.Connecter.Connection: NatCheck request

2005-10-21 00:50:46,030 [DEBUG] DataPump.Connecter.Connection: NatCheck received, data len 4

2005-10-21 00:50:46,030 [INFO] DataPump.Session.Keepaliver: keepalive ip OK

2005-10-21 00:50:46,046 [DEBUG] DataPump.HashStorage: readd

2005-10-21 00:50:46,046 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Keepaliver: send keepalive

2005-10-21 00:50:48,233 [INFO] DataPump.Updater._UpdateLogic: check update: 1.37

2005-10-21 00:50:52,187 [ERROR] __main__.P2PApp: Cannot get metadata from server

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “”, line 627, in scheduleByBT2

File “urllib.pyo”, line 77, in urlopen

File “urllib.pyo”, line 180, in open

File “urllib.pyo”, line 296, in open_http

File “httplib.pyo”, line 794, in endheaders

File “httplib.pyo”, line 675, in _send_output

File “httplib.pyo”, line 642, in send

File “httplib.pyo”, line 626, in connect

IOError: [Errno socket error] (10060, ‘Operation timed out’)

2005-10-21 00:51:47,625 [INFO] config saving

2005-10-21 00:51:58,546 [INFO] config saving

2005-10-21 00:52:11,703 [ERROR] __main__.P2PApp: Cannot get metadata from server

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “”, line 627, in scheduleByBT2

File “urllib.pyo”, line 77, in urlopen

File “urllib.pyo”, line 180, in open

File “urllib.pyo”, line 296, in open_http

File “httplib.pyo”, line 794, in endheaders

File “httplib.pyo”, line 675, in _send_output

File “httplib.pyo”, line 642, in send

File “httplib.pyo”, line 626, in connect

IOError: [Errno socket error] (10060, ‘Operation timed out’)

2005-10-21 00:52:36,342 [INFO] config saving

2005-10-21 00:53:03,875 [ERROR] __main__.P2PApp: Cannot get metadata from server

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “”, line 627, in scheduleByBT2

File “urllib.pyo”, line 77, in urlopen

File “urllib.pyo”, line 180, in open

File “urllib.pyo”, line 296, in open_http

File “httplib.pyo”, line 794, in endheaders

File “httplib.pyo”, line 675, in _send_output

File “httplib.pyo”, line 642, in send

File “httplib.pyo”, line 626, in connect

IOError: [Errno socket error] (10060, ‘Operation timed out’)

2005-10-21 00:54:48,125 [INFO] MainFrame.MainFrame: Forced close

2005-10-21 00:54:48,280 [INFO] __main__.P2PApp: PRECLOSE

2005-10-21 00:54:48,515 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Keepaliver: dead

2005-10-21 00:54:48,515 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Keepaliver: try to send dead

2005-10-21 00:54:48,515 [DEBUG] DataPump.Session.Keepaliver: send dead

2005-10-21 00:54:48,921 [DEBUG] MainFrame.MainFrame: Forced close end

Może wam to cos powie co jest nie tak??