Co to znaczy?

Niemam za dobrego tłumacza więc prosze was o pomoc,co to znaczy ??

I am looking into the matter & trying to work out from the server logs what has happened.

I will email you soon … Hopefully I will have a solution that will be agreeable to all of us.

Would Matheew & yourself be prepared to explain the server rules etc to your friends & make them understand that if an admin bans one player using the same connection as yourself & Matheew that ALL players using that connection will be banned? If you could let me know if this is possible it would give me a starting point for explaining things to the server admins & could prevent this happening in future.

When I know what has caused the ban I will let you know & we can look at getting it removed - I may take a day or two as it looks like whatever caused the ban happened when I was away on vacation and I will have to look through several log files.

Szanowni Państwo!

Strona nie jest dostępna.

tak na oko, bo nie mam przy sobie słownika, więc z góry sorry za błędy

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