Fckeditor - upload plików


Pobrałem fckeditor i wszystko było by ok gdyby nie to, że jak chcę dodać obrazek (klikam na ikonkę następnie na Przeglądaj) to pojawia mi się błąd:

The server didn't send back a proper XML response. Please contact your system administrator.

XML request error: OK (200)

Requested URL:


Response text:

<%@ CodePage=65001 Language="VBScript"%>


Option Explicit

Response.Buffer = True



If ( ConfigIsEnabled = False ) Then

	SendError 1, "This connector is disabled. Please check the ""editor/filemanager/browser/default/connectors/asp/config.asp"" file"

End If

' Get the "UserFiles" path.

Dim sUserFilesPath

If ( Not IsEmpty( ConfigUserFilesPath ) ) Then

	sUserFilesPath = ConfigUserFilesPath

	If ( Right( sUserFilesPath, 1 ) <> "/" ) Then

		sUserFilesPath = sUserFilesPath & "/"

	End If


	sUserFilesPath = "/userfiles/"

End If

' Map the "UserFiles" path to a local directory.

Dim sUserFilesDirectory

sUserFilesDirectory = Server.MapPath( sUserFilesPath )

If ( Right( sUserFilesDirectory, 1 ) <> "\" ) Then

	sUserFilesDirectory = sUserFilesDirectory & "\"

End If


Sub DoResponse()

	Dim sCommand, sResourceType, sCurrentFolder

	' Get the main request information.

	sCommand = Request.QueryString("Command")

	If ( sCommand = "" ) Then Exit Sub

	sResourceType = Request.QueryString("Type")

	If ( sResourceType = "" ) Then Exit Sub

	sCurrentFolder = Request.QueryString("CurrentFolder")

	If ( sCurrentFolder = "" ) Then Exit Sub

	' Check if it is an allower resource type.

	if ( Not IsAllowedType( sResourceType ) ) Then Exit Sub

	' Check the current folder syntax (must begin and start with a slash).

	If ( Right( sCurrentFolder, 1 ) <> "/" ) Then sCurrentFolder = sCurrentFolder & "/"

	If ( Left( sCurrentFolder, 1 ) <> "/" ) Then sCurrentFolder = "/" & sCurrentFolder

	' Check for invalid folder paths (..)

	If ( InStr( 1, sCurrentFolder, ".." ) <> 0 OR InStr( 1, sResourceType, ".." ) <> 0 ) Then

		SendError 102, ""

	End If

	' File Upload doesn't have to Return XML, so it must be intercepted before anything.

	If ( sCommand = "FileUpload" ) Then

		FileUpload sResourceType, sCurrentFolder

		Exit Sub

	End If


	CreateXmlHeader sCommand, sResourceType, sCurrentFolder

	' Execute the required command.

	Select Case sCommand

		Case "GetFolders"

			GetFolders sResourceType, sCurrentFolder

		Case "GetFoldersAndFiles"

			GetFoldersAndFiles sResourceType, sCurrentFolder

		Case "CreateFolder"

			CreateFolder sResourceType, sCurrentFolder

	End Select



End Sub

Function IsAllowedType( resourceType )

	Dim oRE

	Set oRE	= New RegExp

	oRE.IgnoreCase	= True

	oRE.Global = True

	oRE.Pattern = "^(File|Image|Flash|Media)$"

	IsAllowedType = oRE.Test( resourceType )

	Set oRE	= Nothing

End Function


Wyczytałem na google, że należy zmienić ściezkę w fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/default/connectors/php/config.php zmienne:

$Config['Enabled'] = true ;

 $Config['UserFilesPath'] = 'http://domena.pl/userfiles/'; // tu podawałem też /userfiles/ lub ./userfiles/ itp

$Config['UserFilesAbsolutePath'] = '' ; //tak samo tutaj też podawałem przeróżne ścieżki i nic

Próbowałem już chyba wszystkich możliwości ze ścieżkami i nic. Pomocy

Może jedno z tych

$Config['UserFilesPath'] = '/userfiles/';

$Config['UserFilesAbsolutePath'] = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].'/userfiles/';

$Config['UserFilesPath'] = '/userfiles/';

$Config['UserFilesAbsolutePath'] = '/userfiles/';

W UserFilesPath niby możę być adres URL lub URI.

nic nie pomogło