Jak to jest w polskim języku?

MAm Skrypt subskrypcji i mam problem, ponieważ nie znam angielskiego i nie wiem co mam powstawiać w odpowiednie miejsce tego skryptu aby był w j. polskim.Proszę was o pomoc.

// path to the csv-file to store data

$cfg['file'] = "csv/email_list.txt";

// path to the csv-file with the mail-footer included

$cfg['ffile'] = "csv/mail_footer.txt";

// sender email [i.e. noreply@domain.com] */

$cfg['mail'] = "news@gf.uk";

// return-mail [for 'Return-Path']

$cfg['return'] = "noreply@yourhost.com";

// URL of your page

$cfg['hp'] = "http://yourdomain.com";

// name of your page

$cfg['name'] = "gf.uk";

// full URL to Newsletter.php

$cfg['url'] = "http://yourdomain.com/Newsletter.php";

oraz tutaj:

define(SUBSCRIBE_OK ,"Thanks, eMail added to the list ...");

define(DELETE_OK ,"eMail deleted from list");

// form stuff (xNewsletter.php?act=email)

define(SUBSCRIBE ,"Subscribe");

define(UNSUBSCRIBE ,"Unsubscribe");

define(FORM_SUBMIT ,"Submit");

define(FORM_VALUE ,"you@domain.com");       

define(INFO ,"Please enter your eMail and choose an option:");

define(BACK ,"back");

// messages

define(THANKS_SAVED ,"Thanks, your eMail was added to the list ...");

define(THANKS_DELETED ,"Thanks, your eMail was deleted from the list ...");                            

// error-stuff

define(ALREADY_IN_LIST ,"Sorry, eMail already found in list ...");

define(NOT_IN_LIST ,"Sorry, eMail not found in list ...");

define(INVALID_EMAIL ,"Sorry, this eMail is invalid ...");

W pierwszym co mam w odpoweidnie miejsca powstawiać adresy mailowe i nazwa strony z której jest wysyłana subskrypcja, a w drugim jak teksty na j. polski.

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