Jak zrobić komentarze na stronie

Wrzucasz na serwer i jest! - Najprostsza instrukcja na świecie :smiley: Jeżeli autor skryptu nie napisał do niego żadnej instrukcji to widocznie jest nie potrzebna…

Wystarczy wrzucić pliki na serwer, no i na stronie dajesz link do okienka z komentarzami

Tyle to wiem!

Chodzi mi o podstawienie tego kodu…

Z kąd wziąć/jak uworzyć tenlink…

Ej poda ktoś dokładną instrukcje zeby wszystkohulalo?

Bo siedze nad tym chyba tydzień i nikt niewie o co chodzi… :confused:

Znalazłem podobno najprostszy skrypt do komentarzy


Jest tam 1 plik:



Do czego Ci te komentarze? Do newsów? To zainstaluj sobie CuteNews.

Chce zrobić stonkę na której użytkownicy mogli by dodawać cytaty (Takie coś jak bash)

Jak by ktoś wytłumaczył mi jak odpalić ten skrypt co napisałem wyże byłbym bardzo wdzięczny bo CuteNews niedziała.

Robie wszystko za instrukcją:

  1. Create a directory on your server ( e.g. cutenews )

  2. Upload the content of the cutenews.1.4.6.zip to the directory you created in step 1

  3. Now You must CHMOD the the directory cutenews/data/ and all files and

folders under the data/ directory must be also chmod’ed to 777.

  1. Finally, go to http://yoursite.com/cutenews/index.php with you favorite browser and fallow the instructions.

  2. Tworze katalog na serwerze.

  3. Przesyłam treść cutenews.1.4.6.zip do katalogu utworzonego w kroku 1.

  4. Musisz teraz CHMOD CuteNews w katalogu / data / i wszystkie pliki i

folderów na podstawie danych / katalog musi być również chmod’ed do 777. <-- niewiem o co biega

  1. Przejchodze do http://www.roztoka_bash.republika.pl/cutenews/index.php i wyskakuje:

    <?PHP / *************************************************************************** CuteNews CutePHP.com Copyright (C) 2005 Georgi Avramov (flexer@cutephp.com) **************************************************************************** / error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); require_once("./inc/functions.inc.php"); //################# $PHP_SELF = "index.php"; $cutepath = "."; $config_path_image_upload = "./data/upimages"; $config_use_cookies = TRUE; // Use Cookies When Checking Authorization $config_use_sessions = FALSE; // Use Sessions When Checking Authorization $config_check_referer = TRUE; // Set to TRUE for more seciruty //################# $Timer = new microTimer; $Timer->start(); // Check if CuteNews is not installed $all_users_db = file("./data/users.db.php"); $check_users = $all_users_db; $check_users[1] = trim($check_users[1]); $check_users[2] = trim($check_users[2]); if((!$check_users[2] or $check_users[2] == "") and (!$check_users[1] or $check_users[1] == "")){ if(!file_exists("./inc/install.mdu")){ die('


CuteNews detected that you do not have users in your users.db.php file and wants to run the install module. However, the install module ( ./inc/install.mdu ) can not be located, please reupload this file and make sure you set the proper permissions so the installation can continue.’); } require("./inc/install.mdu"); die(); } require_once("./data/config.php"); if(isset($config_skin) and $config_skin != “” and file_exists("./skins/${config_skin}.skin.php")){ require_once("./skins/${config_skin}.skin.php"); }else{ $using_safe_skin = true; require_once("./skins/default.skin.php"); } b64dck(); if($config_use_sessions){ @session_start(); @header(“Cache-control: private”); } if($action == “logout”) { setcookie(“md5_password”,""); setcookie(“username”,""); setcookie(“login_referer”,""); if($config_use_sessions){ @session_destroy(); @session_unset(); setcookie(session_name(),""); } msg(“info”, “Logout”, “You are now logged out, login”); } $is_loged_in = FALSE; $cookie_logged = FALSE; $session_logged = FALSE; $temp_arr = explode("?", $HTTP_REFERER); $HTTP_REFERER = $temp_arr[0]; if(substr($HTTP_REFERER, -1) == “/”){ $HTTP_REFERER.= “index.php”; } // Check if The User is Identified if($config_use_cookies == TRUE){ /* Login Authorization using COOKIES */ if(isset($username)) { if(isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[“md5_password”])){ $cmd5_password = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[“md5_password”]; } elseif(isset($_COOKIE[“md5_password”])){ $cmd5_password = $_COOKIE[“md5_password”]; } else{ $cmd5_password = md5($password); } // Do we have correct username and password ? if(check_login($username, $cmd5_password)) { if($action == ‘dologin’){ setcookie(“lastusername”, $username, time()+1012324305); if($rememberme == ‘yes’){ setcookie(“username”, $username, time()+60*60*24*30); setcookie(“md5_password”, $cmd5_password, time()+60*60*24*30); } else{ setcookie(“username”, $username); setcookie(“md5_password”, $cmd5_password); } } $cookie_logged = TRUE; }else{ setcookie(“username”, FALSE); setcookie(“md5_password”, FALSE); $result = “Wrong username or password”; $cookie_logged = FALSE; } } /* END Login Authorization using COOKIES */ } if($config_use_sessions == TRUE){ /* Login Authorization using SESSIONS */ if(isset($HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR)){ $ip = $HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR; } elseif(isset($HTTP_CLIENT_IP)) { $ip = $HTTP_CLIENT_IP; } if($ip == “”) { $ip = $REMOTE_ADDR; } if($ip == “”) { $ip = “not detected”;} if($action == “dologin”) { $md5_password = md5($password); if(check_login($username, $md5_password)){ $session_logged = TRUE; @session_register(‘username’); @session_register(‘md5_password’); @session_register(‘ip’); @session_register(‘login_referer’); $_SESSION[‘username’] = “$username”; $_SESSION[‘md5_password’] = “$md5_password”; $_SESSION[‘ip’] = “$ip”; $_SESSION[‘login_referer’] = “$HTTP_REFERER”; }else{ $result = “Wrong username and/or password”; $session_logged = FALSE; } }elseif(isset($_SESSION[‘username’])){ // Check the if member is using valid username/password if(check_login($_SESSION[‘username’], $_SESSION[‘md5_password’])){ if($_SESSION[‘ip’] != $ip){ $session_logged = FALSE; $result = “The IP in the session doesn not match with your IP”; } else{ $session_logged = TRUE; } }else{ $result = "Wrong username and/or password !!";

            $session_logged = FALSE;



if(!$username){ $username = $_SESSION[‘username’]; }

/* END Login Authorization using SESSIONS */



if($session_logged == TRUE or $cookie_logged == TRUE){

if($action == 'dologin'){


    // Modify the Last Login Date of the user


    $old_users_db = $all_users_db;

    $modified_users = fopen("./data/users.db.php", "w");

    foreach($old_users_db as $old_users_db_line){

       $old_users_db_arr = explode("|", $old_users_db_line);

        if($member_db[0] != $old_users_db_arr[0]){

                fwrite($modified_users, "$old_users_db_line");


                fwrite($modified_users, "$old_users_db_arr[0]|$old_users_db_arr[1]|$old_users_db_arr[2]|$old_users_db_arr[3]|$old_users_db_arr[4]|$old_users_db_arr[5]|$old_users_db_arr[6]|$old_users_db_arr[7]|$old_users_db_arr[8]|".time()."||\n");





    $is_loged_in = TRUE;



// If User is Not Logged In, Display The Login Page

if($is_loged_in == FALSE)






// setcookie(“username”,"");

// setcookie(“password”,"");

// setcookie(“md5_password”,"");

// setcookie(“login_referer”,"");

echoheader("user","Please Login");

if($config_allow_registration == "yes"){ $allow_reg_status = "<a href="register.php" rel="external nofollow">(register)</a> "; }else{ $allow_reg_status = ""; }

echo "
Username: $allow_reg_status
Password: (lost password)

Remember Me




elseif($is_loged_in == TRUE)



// Check Referer


if($config_check_referer == TRUE){

$self = $_SERVER[“SCRIPT_NAME”];

if($self == “”){ $self = $_SERVER[“REDIRECT_URL”]; }

if($self == “”){ $self = “index.php”; }

if(!eregi("$self",$HTTP_REFERER) and $HTTP_REFERER != “”){

   die("<h2>Sorry but your access to this page was denied !</h2>

try to logout and then login again
To turn off this security check, change $config_check_referer in index.php to FALSE");



// ********************************************************************************

// Include System Module

// ********************************************************************************

if($_SERVER[‘QUERY_STRING’] == “debug”){ debug(); }

                        //name of mod //access

$system_modules = array('addnews' = 'user',

                        'editnews' = 'user',

                        'main' = 'user',

                        'options' = 'user',

                        'images' = 'user',

                        'editusers' = 'admin',

                        'editcomments' = 'admin',

                        'tools' = 'admin',

                        'ipban' = 'admin',

                        'about' = 'user',

                        'preview' = 'user',

                        'categories' = 'admin',

                        'massactions' = 'user',

                        'help' = 'user',

                        'snr' = 'admin',

                        'debug' = 'admin',

                        'wizards' = 'admin',


if($mod == ""){ require("./inc/main.mdu"); }

elseif( $system_modules[$mod] )


    if( $member_db[1] == 4 and $mod != 'options'){ msg('error', 'Error!', 'Access Denied for your user-level (commenter)'); }

    elseif( $system_modules[$mod] == "user"){ require("./inc/". $mod . ".mdu"); }

    elseif( $system_modules[$mod] == "admin" and $member_db[1] == 1){ require("./inc/". $mod . ".mdu"); }

    elseif( $system_modules[$mod] == "admin" and $member_db[1] != 1){ msg("error", "Access denied", "Only admin can access this module"); exit; }

    else{ die("Module access must be set to <b>user</b> or <b>admin</b>"); }


else{ die("$mod is NOT a valid module"); }




A może to?

:arrow: viewtopic.php?p=353109#353109

Tyle, że nie masz tu panelu admina. Musisz wszystkie niechciane wpisy ręcznie edytować. Ale jakby to przerobić…

Noi lipa…

Zrobiłem plik:

index.php <-- wkleiłem kod

dane.txt <-- pusty

Gdy wchodze na http://www.roztoka_bash.republika.pl/index.php wyświetla mi sie kod (tekst).

Przerobiłem pliki:

index.htm <-- wkleiłem kod

dane.txt <-- pusty

Gdy wchodze na http://www.roztoka_bash.republika.pl/index.htm wyświetla mi sie:


A gdy klikam “Dodaj” wyswietla mi sie:


Możecie zobaczyc sami bo linki podałem a pliki są nadal na serverze.

Co robić? POMOCY

Serwer republika nie ma php, zmień serwer na inny lub pożegnaj się z komentarzami.

Czy mógłbyś doradzić mi jakiś serwer który obsługuje php i jest darmowy?

Poczytaj i coś wybierz > http://www.forumweb.pl/viewtopic.php?t=34390
