Longhorn Transformation Pack

jak zainstaluje:Longhorn Transformation Pack to co beda za zmiany w windowsie xp no co sie poprostu zmieni.

Dzięki niemu mamy do dyspozycji zestawy ikon, paski, nowe menu powitalne, menu startowe i inne składniki systemu. 

-Added "Automatic Transformation" and "I don't want to perform system files transforming" transforming mode options (Safemode required)

-Added Norton Antivirus 2005 compatibility support

-Added Uninstallation Mode like Transformation Mode for better way to handle each case

-Added Windows XP Service Pack 2 with Pre-SP3 uxtheme.dll hotfix patching support

-Fixed "Manual Transformation" to run in safe mode only

-Fixed invalid boot screen resources

-Fixed SideBar to have no transparency by default

-Removed obsolete 64-bit patched uxtheme.dll file

-Updated Aero Style 2.0 visual style

|-Fixed incorrent font name

|-Fixed wrong shellstyle folder name for Aero Style (Glass - Thin TaskBar)

|-Updated Aero Style (Glass)

||-5059 elements from WinHEC 2005 as listed below






||-Updated FrameMaximized to read CaptionText easier

-Updated M3 Boot Screen to monochrome mode

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