Nie umiem znaleźć modułów w setting w pycharm i stworzyć bota w Pythonie

import AccountAgent, DBUsers

import Constants
import datetime

def init(webdriver):

def update(webdriver):
#Get start of time to calculate elapsed time later
start =
#Before the loop, check if should unfollow anyone
while True:
#Start following operation
#Get the time at the end
end =
#How much time has passed?
elapsed = end - start
#If greater than our constant to check on
#followers, check on followers
if elapsed.total_seconds() >= Constants.CHECK_FOLLOWERS_EVERY:
#reset the start variable to now
start =
#check on followers

def _check_follow_list(webdriver):
print(“Checking for users to unfollow”)
#get the unfollow list
users = DBUsers.check_unfollow_list()
#if there’s anyone in the list, start unfollowing operation
if len(users) > 0:
AccountAgent.unfollow_people(webdriver, users)

Poco Ci Instagram BOT do nabijania followersów?
Wiesz, że jak instagram wykryje takiego bota to perm ban na konto będzie?

Ale to się chcesz pożalić czy co?