Podziekowanie za dodany komentarz

Jak przerobic ponizszy plik tak, zeby po dodaniu komentarza nie wyskakiwalo mi osobne okno z tym tekstem: http://www.history.is.net.pl/send.php?id=00

Your comment is empty, you can not publish it 

Return to comment viewer

Tylko zeby bylo po dodaniu komentarza cos takiego jak jest tutaj: http://www.phpbbhelp.pl/archiwum/download.php?d=582Znikaja wszystkie komentarze i pojawia sie ta informacja

Dodano Twój komentarz.

Kliknij TUTAJ, aby wrócić do komentarzy

I jak klikne w link Tutaj to znow wracam do komentarzy. Jak takie cos zrobic ? Prosze o pomoc w tej sprawie.


// XeonBloomfield - comments script


// send.php

// check if argument 'id' is there



$id = 'default';




$id = $_GET['id'];


// comment files location

$localization = "data/comments/";

// comment files extensions

$file_extension = ".txt";


// Comment content - start


// import 'nick' and 'comment' from 'add.php' via '$_POST'

$post_nick = $_POST['nick'];

$post_comment = $_POST['comment'];

// change HTML special chars in to properly (safe) form

// protect beware sending code via comments

$temp_nick = HTMLSpecialChars($post_nick);

$temp_comment = HTMLSpecialChars($post_comment);

// change '\r\n' to '

$nick = str_replace("\r\n", "
", $temp_nick); 

$comment = str_replace("\r\n", "
", $temp_comment); 


// Comment content - end



// Check - start


// Simple solution to don't publish empty comments



	$nick = "Anonymous";




	echo "Your comment is empty, you can not publish it

Return to comment viewer





// Check - end



// COOKIE - start


// Simple anti-spam solution

// cookie name

$cookie_name = 'comment';

// cookie value

$cookie_value = '1';

// when cookie will expire

// 60 seconds

$cookie_expire = time()+60;

// setcookie(name, value, expire, path, domain);

// check if there is cookie now

if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]))


	// show information to wait before adding next comment

	echo "You recently sent a comment, try in next 60 seconds

Return to comment viewer




/* // update - cookie is now created when comment is sucessfully added



	// create cookie file to protect against spam

	setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, $cookie_expire);




// COOKIE - end



// date and time of comment

$date_and_time = date("d.m.Y H:i:s");

// user identification

$user_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

$user_ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];

// place between content in flat-file

$PLACE = '|||';

// end of the line in flat-file

$line_end = "\n";

// exported line to flat-file

$result = $date_and_time.$PLACE.$user_ip.$PLACE.$user_ua.$PLACE.$nick.$PLACE.$comment.$line_end;

// directory and name of flat-file

$file = $localization.$id.$file_extension;

// opening flat-file in 'add' mode

$file_handle = fopen($file, "a");

// write '$result' in to the flat-file

fwrite ($file_handle, $result);

// close the flat file and report result




	// create cookie file to protect against spam

	setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, $cookie_expire);


	// show that comment was sucessfully added

	echo "

Your comment was added** Return to comment viewer "; } else { // show that there was an error while adding comment echo " Occured an error while adding your comment, try next time****Return to comment viewer**"; } // send.php ?>