Rotator bannerów wyświetlanie reklam

Witam Ponownie

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żeby reklamy wyświetlały się na samej górze strony To jest adres strony z której pobrałem i zainstalowałem na swojej stronie wtyczkę strona to http://netpiko.comtheme




$fontsize_switcher = new Switcher("increment", "fontsize", "gif", 1, "switcherbutton", "", true, array("step" => 0.1, "max" => 1.5));




redirect_img_dir(THEME."forum", THEME."forum/".$colour_switcher->selected);

set_image("pollbar", THEME."images/panelcap_bg.jpg");

function get_head_tags(){

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function render_page($license=false) {

global $aidlink, $locale, $settings, $colour_switcher, $fontsize_switcher, $column_switcher, $main_style;

	echo "
  • “.$locale[‘global_210’].”

  • \n"; if(iMEMBER){ echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

  • “.$locale[‘global_120’].”

  • | “.$locale[‘global_121’].” ".(iADMIN ? "

  • | “.$locale[‘global_123’].”" : “”)."

  • | “.$locale[‘global_124’].”\n"; }else{ echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

  • “.$locale[‘global_104’].” ".($settings[‘enable_registration’] ? "

  • | “.$locale[‘global_107’].”\n" : “”); } echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t


“. preg_replace(”^(li)( class=’(first-link)’)*(>

“.$colour_switcher->makeForm(“flright”).” “.$column_switcher->makeForm(“flright”).” “.$fontsize_switcher->makeForm(“flright”).”

“.(LEFT ? "
" : “”).” “.(RIGHT ? "
" : “”).”


“.(!$license ? "
“.showcopyright().” \n Theme designed by Max Toball
" : “”).”
\n"; echo "\t

“.sprintf($locale[‘global_172’], substr((get_microtime() - START_TIME),0,4)).”


"; } function render_news($subject, $news, $info) { global $locale; opentable($subject); echo "

“.newsposter($info,” ·").newsopts($info,"·").itemoptions(“N”,$info[‘news_id’]). "
\n"; closetable(); } function render_article($subject, $article, $info) { global $locale; opentable($subject); echo "
“.($info[‘article_breaks’] == “y” ? nl2br($article) : $article).”

“.articleposter($info,” ·").articleopts($info,"·").itemoptions(“A”,$info[‘article_id’]). "
\n"; closetable(); } function opentable($title) { echo "\n


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"; }else{ echo "

“.($collapse ? panelbutton($state,$box_id) : “”).”$title

\n\t".($collapse ? panelstate($state, $box_id) : “”); } } function closeside() { global $panel_collapse, $p_data; echo ($panel_collapse ? “\t
" : “”).”\n

\n"; if($p_data[‘panel_filename’] == “css_navigation_panel”){ echo "

"; } } ?>

/*Phos Theme for PHP-Fusion 7 by Max "Matonor" Toball*/


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