VidiScript - problem z instalacją

Witam, próbuję instalować VidiScript. Jednak, pierwszy raz instaluję coś sam (wcześniej korzystałem z preinstalacji na Niestety, przy instalacji pojawił się problem. Wpisałem adres instalacji ( i wyskoczyło mi coś takiego:

Site error: the file /var/www/sites/ requires the ionCube PHP Loader to be installed by the site administrator.

O co w tym chodzi?

A masz instrukcje tego skryptu (nawet eng.) ? jeżeli tak to wklei tutaj.


Instrukcja instalacji:

VidiScript Installation Instructions - v0.33(BETA)

Please see this page for server requirements before installing:

If all the pre-requisites are installed and configured correctly on your server, installation should take no longer than about 5 to 10 minutes, depending on how long it takes to upload the files.

Step 1 - Upload the ‘VidiScript’ files to your server.

You can install VidiScript in the root folder of your website. Simply upload the contents of the VidiScript folder to your root folder. You can also install to a subfolder (eg. '’, you will enter this path in the install script during installation.

Step 2 - While the files are uploading, you need to create a MySQL database in cpanel or similar and make a note of the following details:

Database host: example - localhost or (you can get this information from your hosting company)

Database name: The name you gave to your database when you created it. example - vidiscript

Username: The username of a user with permissions to make changes to the database, example - vsadmin

Password: The password for this username

Step 3 - Folder permissions

You need to change the permissions of certain folders and files to allow VidiScript write access. CHMOD the following folders and files to 777:

Folder ‘data’

Folder ‘data/keys’

File ‘data/scroller/scroller.xml’

Folder ‘uploads’

Folder ‘uploads/thumbs’

Folder ‘uploads/avatars’

Folder ‘uploads/ads’

Folder ‘uploads/groupicons’

File ‘includes/settings’

File ‘includes/badwords’

Step 4 - Install

In your browser go to the installation script which is at:

example - or

The installation script will first check your server settings and the folder permissions of the files above. If the folder permissions are incorrect you will not be able to proceed to the next step until they are corrected.

On the next page you will be asked to enter the database details you made a note of in Step 2 above.

When you have correctly entered your database details, the next page will ask you for this information:

Site Name: Choose a name for your site (example - ‘My Video Site’), you can change this in the admin area later if you want to.

Site Folder: This folder is the location of your VidiScript installation, relative to the root folder. If you installed in the root folder, leave this blank. If you installed in a subfolder enter the path to the subfolder. Example - for you would enter:

video (no leading or trailing / )

Please be careful when entering the path, it is case-sensitive.

Admin Username: Choose the username you will use to log in to the admin area of your site

Admin Password: Password for the username above

Admin Email: Enter the email address for admin

Next you will see a page confirming that your VidiScript site is ready to use!

For security reasons, please delete the install folder as soon as possible and change the file permissions on includes/ to 555.

If you have any problems please visit our forums at:

Thank you for downloading VidiScript.

Aby odpalic skrypt na serwerze musi być zainstalowany loader ioncube. Zawsze możesz zagadać do admina yoyo czy by nie mogli doinstalować u siebie loadera ioncube - ale szczerze wątpie by to zrobili.

Na serwerze brakuje:

Wymagania skryptu:


Już (chyba) zainstalowałem ioncube PHP Loader(to znaczy czy coś w tym stylu). i pokazuje mi się:

Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)

Czemu nie może się połączyć z MySQL?