Zła godzina otrzymywania maili Thunderbird


Mam problem z Thunderbirdem. Dostaję maile z godziną wstecz. Czyli teraz jest 12:23, a mail przychodzi z godziną 11:23. Strefa czasowa OK, godzina też jest ok. Wysyłanie maili jest z poprawną godziną. W czym może leżeć problem?

Dzięki za odpowiedź :) 

sprawdz w nagłówku maila jaka jest tam godzina :


To see the original Date header, select the e-mail. Then from the menu bar choose View – Message Source. In the headers at the top of the source, look for the line that begins: Date:

The Date header contains a date and time, but it does not contain complete time zone information—only the offset from GMT. The time that you see in the header is normally the local time in the place where the e-mail was written.

For example, here is a Date header in an e-mail sent from New York at 9:23 AM New York time:

Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2006 09:23:18 -0500

To verify the date and time, you can also check the Received headers. These are stored by the servers that relayed the e-mail between the sender and you.

Any of these headers might be wrong if the computer that stored the header has wrong settings, or if the e-mail is spam with fake headers.