Znacznik span koloryzuje tekst na żółto, CSS

Witam, mam problem i sądzę, że tkwi on w arkuszu stylu CSS, akrusz znaleziony w necie… moja wiedza w tym temacie jest znikła także proszę was o pomoc, niżej arkusz i screen z problemem, thx za pomoc i pozdrawiam, putineq :wink:


“Te słowa” zostały wrzucone w znacznik natomiast “towarzyszyły” zostało już normalnie wrzucone, jak widać tekst zawarty w spana-ch koloryzuje się na żólto… proszę o pomoc w pozbyciu się tego.



body, td, th {

	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

	font-size: 12px;



input {

	font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

	font-size: 11px;


#page {

	height: 100%;


li {


p {

	margin: 1em 0;


a:link {

	color: #600;


a:visited {

	color: #600;


a:hover {

	color: #966;


/*.weather, .weather_title, .weather_info {

	list-style: none;


a, .postmetadata a {

	color : #660000;

	text-decoration: none;


a:visited, .postmetadata a:visited {

	color : #660000;

	text-decoration: none;


a:hover, .postmetadata a:hover {

	color : #996666;

	text-decoration: none;


#header {


#content {


.narrowcolumn .entry, .widecolumn .entry {


.widecolumn {


.narrowcolumn .postmetadata {


.postmetadata {

	padding: 0;

	margin: 0;

	text-align: right;


p.graybox {

    text-align: center;


.graybox {

	background-color: #f8f8f8;

	text-align: left;

	border-top: 1px solid #ddd;

	border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;


.whitebox {

	text-align: left;  


small {

	margin-top: 0;

	font-size: 110%


h1, h3 {


h1 {


.description {


h2 {


li h2	{


h2 a {


h2 a:hover {


h3 {


.entry p a:visited {


.commentlist li, #commentform input, #commentform textarea {


.commentlist li {


.commentlist cite, .commentlist cite a {


.commentlist p {


#commentform p {


.commentmetadata {


#sidebar {


#sidebar h2 {


small, #sidebar ul ul li, #sidebar ul ol li, .nocomments, .postmetadata, blockquote, strike {

	color: #777;


code {


acronym, abbr, span.caps


	letter-spacing: .07em;


h3 a:hover {

	color: #966;

	text-decoration: none;


#wp-calendar #prev a {


#wp-calendar a {

	text-decoration: none;


#wp-calendar caption {

	text-align: left;


#wp-calendar th {

	font-style: normal;

	text-transform: capitalize;


/* End Typography Colors */

/* Begin Structure */

body {

	margin: 0;

	padding: 0 0 40px 0;

	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

	font-size: 12px;

	text-align: center;

	line-height: 1.2em;

	color: #555;

	background: #333 url(img/bkg.gif) repeat top left;



#page {

	position: relative;

	margin: 20px auto 0 auto;

	padding: 0;

	text-align: left;

  	width: 750px;

  	background: #fff url(img/bg3.gif) 100% repeat-y;


#main-body {

	float: left;

	width: 540px;

	background: transparent url(img/st.gif) 0 0 no-repeat;



#content {

	padding: 0 15px 0 25px;

	margin: 31px 0 25px 0;


#page-one-col {

	position: relative;

	margin: 20px auto 0 auto;

	padding: 0;

	text-align: left;

  	width: 750px;

  	background: #fff none;


#page-archives {

	position: relative;

	margin: 20px auto 0 auto;

	padding: 0;

	text-align: left;

  width: 750px;

  background: #fff none;  


#page-one-col #main-body {

	width: 740px;

	margin-bottom: 100px;


#page-archives #main-body {

	width: 740px;

	margin-bottom: 100px;


#page-archives #content {

	margin: 25px 20px;

	padding: 0;


#page-one-col #content {

	margin: 25px 70px;

	padding: 0;


#page-one-col div.post {

	clear: both;


#header {

	height: 205px;

	background-color: #444;


#header img {

	border: 0;

	display: block;



.narrowcolumn {

	float: left;

	padding: 20px;

	padding-top: 10px;

	margin: 0;

	width: 494px;

	background-repeat: no-repeat;

	background-position: top;

	background-image: url(img/st.gif)


.widecolumn {

	padding: 30px;

	width: 560px;



.post {


.widecolumn .post {


.narrowcolumn .postmetadata {


.widecolumn .postmetadata {


/* Footer */ 

#footer {

	position: relative;

	clear: both;

	margin: 0;

	padding: 0;

	text-align: center;

	line-height: 1.15em;

	font-size: 12px;

	color: #555;

	background: #fff url(img/bgb.gif) no-repeat bottom left;


#footer p {

	margin: 0;

	padding: 10px 30px 36px 30px;


#footer a {

	color: #600;

	text-decoration: none;


#footer a:hover {

	color: #966;


/* End Footer */	

/* End Structure */

/*	Begin Headers */

.description {

	text-align: center;


h2.pagetitle {

	margin-top: 30px;

	text-align: center;


/* End Headers */

/* Main Content */


#content .post {

	clear: both;

	font-size: 12px;

	border-bottom: 1px solid black;


#content .post h2 {

	margin-top: 1.3em;

	margin-bottom: 0;

	padding-bottom: 3px;



#content div.post {

	padding:0 0 18px 0;

	background: url(img/hr.gif) 0 100% repeat-x;

	border: none;


#content div.post .entry {

	padding-top: 2px;


#content div.post {

	color: #555;


#content div.post small {

	font-size: 12px;

	color: #333;


#content .post h2 {

	font-family : Georgia, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

	font-size : 16px;

	font-weight : bold;

	margin:16px 0 0;

	padding:0 0 3px;

	text-indent: 13px;

	background: url(img/bull0.gif) 0 5px no-repeat;


#content .post h2 a, h3 a:visited {




#content .post h2 a:hover {



#content .post p.main {


	padding:11px 0 11px;

	text-indent: 0px;


/* End Main Content */

/* Begin Images */

p img {

	padding: 0;

	max-width: 100%;


/*	Using 'class="alignright"' on an image will (who would've

	thought?!) align the image to the right. And using 'class="centered',

	will of course center the image. This is much better than using

	align="center", being much more futureproof (and valid) */

img.centered {

	display: block;


img.alignright {

	display: inline;


img.alignleft {

	padding: 4px;

	margin: 0 7px 2px 0;

	display: inline;


.alignright {

	float: right;


.alignleft {

	float: left


/* End Images */

/* user login */

#login {

	text-align: center;


#login form {

	margin: 2em auto 1em;


#login input {


#login table {

	text-align: left;

	margin: 0 auto;


#loginlinks td {

	padding: 0 10px;


/* searchform */

#searchform {

	margin: 0;

	padding: 0;


#searchform input#s {

	background-color: #cdcdcd;


#searchform input#searchsubmit {

	cursor: pointer;

	/*cursor: hand;*/


#searchform td {

	vertical-align: middle;

	height: 25px;


#sidebar #searchsubmit {


.entry form { /* This is mainly for password protected posts, makes them look better. */



select {

	width: 130px;


#commentform {

	width: 100%;

	padding: 0;

	margin: 0;


#commentform input {

	width: 170px;

	padding: 2px;

	margin: 5px 5px 1px 0;


#commentform textarea {

	width: 100%;

	padding: 2px;


#commentform #submit {

	margin: 0;

	float: right;


/* End Form Elements */

/* Begin Comments*/

.graybox {

	margin: 0;

	padding: 10px;


.commentlist {

	padding: 0;

	text-align: justify;


.commentlist li {

	margin: 15px 0 3px;

	padding: 5px 10px 3px;

	list-style: none;


.commentlist p {

	margin: 10px 5px 10px 0;


#commentform p {

	margin: 5px 0;


.nocomments {

	text-align: center;

	margin: 0;

	padding: 0;


.commentmetadata {

	margin: 0;

	display: block;


/* End Comments */

/* --- sidebar ---*/

#sidebar {

	width: 205px;

	float: right;

	margin: 0 0 25px 0;

	padding: 0;

	line-height: 1.5em;

	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

	font-size: 12px;

	color: #555;	


#container {

	padding:0 20px;


#sidebar h2 {

	font-family : Georgia, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

	font-size : 12px;

	font-weight : bold;



	padding:30px 0 11px;


#sidebar h2.hr {

	background: url(img/hr.gif) 0 15px repeat-x;


#sidebar h3 {

	margin: 30px 0 12px 0;

	padding: 5px 10px;

	color: #fff;

	font-size: 120%;

	border: none;

	background: #f90 url(img/sidebar-h.gif) repeat-x top left;


#sidebar h3#quick {

	margin-top: 24px;


#sidebar h3.sub {

	background: #538620 url(img/sub-h-bg.gif) repeat-x top left;


#sidebar h4 {

	font-size: 92%;

	font-weight: normal;

	margin: 0;


#sidebar img {

	vertical-align: middle;


#sidebar ul {




#sidebar ul li {



	list-style: none;


	text-indent: 10px;

	background: url(img/bull1.gif) 1px 6px no-repeat;


#sidebar ul#lh li {



/* End Sidebar */

/* weather */

#sidebar #currentlyin {

 padding:15px 0 0; 



#sidebar .weather h2 {

	padding:12px 0 0;

	margin: 0;



#sidebar #weather-icon {

	list-style: none;

	margin: 0;

	padding: 0;

	background-image: none;

	text-indent: 0;


/* Begin Calendar */

#wp-calendar {


	margin:0 auto 0 0;

	border: none;

	empty-cells: show;

	padding: 0;

	border-collapse: collapse;


#wp-calendar #next a {

	padding-right: 0px;

	text-align: right;


#wp-calendar #prev a {

	padding-left: 0px;

	text-align: left;


#wp-calendar a {

/*	display: block; */


#wp-calendar td.pad:hover { /* Doesn't work in IE */


#wp-calendar td, #wp-calendar th {

	padding: 0;

	border: none;

	line-height: 15px;

	font-size: 12px;

	text-align: right;


#wp-calendar caption {



	font-family : Georgia, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

	font-size : 12px;

	font-weight : bold;



	padding:30px 0 11px;

	background: url(img/hr.gif) 0 15px repeat-x;


#wp-calendar th {



/* End Calendar */

/* Begin Various Tags Classes */

acronym, abbr, span.caps {

	cursor: help;


acronym, abbr {

	border-bottom: 1px dashed #999;


blockquote {

	margin: 15px 30px 0 10px;

	padding-left: 20px;

	border-left: 5px solid #ddd;


blockquote cite {

	margin: 5px 0 0;

	display: block;


.center {

	text-align: center;


hr {

	display: none;


a img {

	border: none;


.navigation {

	width: 100%;

	height: 30px;

	text-align: center;

	margin-top: 10px;

	margin-bottom: 60px;


/* End Various Tags Classes*/

#topmenu {

	position: absolute;

	top: 170px;

	left: 0;




#topmenu ul {




background: transparent url(img/menu.jpg) no-repeat;




#topmenu li {

list-style: none;





#topmenu li, #topmenu a {



top: 0;


#topmenu a span {

display: none;


#tl1 {

left: 0px;

width: 125px;


#tl1 a {

background:transparent url(img/menu.jpg) 0px 0 no-repeat;


#tl1 a:hover {

background:transparent url(img/menu.jpg) 0px -34px no-repeat;


#tl2 {


width: 127px;


#tl2 a {

background:transparent url(img/menu.jpg) -125px 0 no-repeat;


#tl2 a:hover {

background:transparent url(img/menu.jpg) -125px -34px no-repeat;


#tl3 {


width: 175px;


#tl3 a {

background:transparent url(img/menu.jpg) -252px 0 no-repeat;


#tl3 a:hover {

background:transparent url(img/menu.jpg) -252px -34px no-repeat;


table#latest {

    width: 98%;


table#latest th {

  text-align: left;


table#latest th.topic {

    width: 60%;

    text-align: center;


Nie znalazłem nic formatujacego dla , widocznie ma on klasę, lub indetyfikator. Można prosić o linijkę kodu z tym “spanem”?